“Jesus has freed us from our sins by his blood”

Recently, I listened to a sermon given by Kempton Turner called “The Pastor’s Purity and Pleasure” at the 2014 Desiring God Pastor’s Conference. The main focus of the message is Turner preaching on the importance of pastors overcoming sexual temptation, but the gospel truths that he presents are applicable to combating all types of temptation, and he delivers those truths in beautifully, soul-enriching way. The sermon can be listened to here, and I would strongly recommend it to everyone, not just pastors as the way we preaches the gospel gives all believers powerful weapons to wage war against sin.

The main focus of his message is discussing how Jesus frees us from our sin and what exactly that means as well as how those truths enable us to combat sin. That Jesus frees us from our sins, Turner says, means at least 4 things: that we are 1) freed from the penalty of our sins. 2) that Jesus is progressively freeing us from the power of our sins as well as 3) the pleasure of our sins, and 4) that he will free us from the presence of our sin.

This main part has really blessed me, and I have been thinking a lot about the truths he discusses, and has been helpful in my own spiritual warfare. I wrote this based on these 4 truths, Turner presents.

Jesus you’ve freed us from our sin
by the pow’r of your blood.
By you’re wounds we have been healed,
caught up in mercy’s flood.
Jesus you suffered on the cross
to bring us near to God,
And now you’ve risen to your throne.
To you we give all laud.
Jesus you’ve paid the penalty
for our inequities
and given us your righteousness,
so God us blameless sees.
When sin stirs guilt and shame in us,
we have no cause to fear.
Our righteousness remains the same;
you still invite us near.
Jesus you’re breaking all our bonds
of sin and pride and self.
We were buried with you in death
that we may live in health.
So when sin o’er us seems to reign
with this truth, we wage war:
we have life in you and are free
you only to adore.
Jesus you’re killing sin’s pleasure
by the pow’r of the cross.
The things which we once held so dear,
now seem to us as dross.
When old desires of sin beckon,
no heed to them we’ll pay
for a higher joy we have found,
from it we cannot stray.
Jesus, sin’s presence you’ll remove
on that joyful, last day,
that we may without blemish stand,
with no more sin to slay.
Our sin’s death and your full glory
are our hope in this race.
So keep us to the very end
to the praise of your grace.